Teeth whitening treatment in Delhi, India

Do you feel uncomfortable while smiling because of discoloured or stained teeth?

If yes, then you surely need Whitening System used extensively at Dr. Sartaj Singh's Dental Clinic for effectively lightening the natural color of your teeth in less than one hour without removing any tooth surface.

Our Commitment to Patients - "We strive to achieve that sparkling smile back to your face making you smile confidently."

Post Bleaching Instructions

It is common for teeth to be sensitive for a few days following office bleaching. Patients may describe this sensitivity as a momentary tingling sensation. This is a common post operative symptom that usually resolves within a few days. It can be corrected with special medicated tooth pastes.

Use a Fluoride mouthwash, several times a day for the week  following the bleaching. Avoid tobacco, coffee, tea and dark colored sodas and staining types of foods. If you must indulge, drink a glass of water immediately afterwards to minimize the staining effects.